viernes, 16 de enero de 2015


News about our Manifesto!!

Mónica and me, Jorge, has been in the "copistería" of Social Sciences asking for printing our manifesto, and they give us this price.

From 60 to 80 pages (without title page and cover) in colour 0.30€/each page

If we have more pages and we do it all toguether they can reduce the price to 0.25€/page

The price of the Cover is 7.40€ ( "tapa blanda laminada - protected")

The hanging over is the 30th (Friday), so we have to have all ready on 26th (Monday) for printing it. 

We can meet all toguether and reduce the price. Write some comments for doubts or meeting

This image is only for the tittle page and the cover, the rest of the pages are only pdf

If you have any doubt, you can call to this number telling them that you spoke with Jorge Martín.

I have done an example of the tittle page and the cover of my Manifesto, if you want to see the format of the pdf that we have to give. See the black lines and the size of the pdf. (I sent it to Limescope for seeing if it is all right)

3 comentarios:

  1. Comentar quien quiera ir, se deberá decir este fin de semana, ya que se aplicara un descuento si fueramos todos a imprimir juntos. GRACIAS!

  2. me entero apenas. a que hora habéis quedado? donde? por si acaso veis esto. mi teléfono 678 20 52 90. dadme un toque por wassap. que es gratis.
